Christian Education

The committee met in February and discussed key elements of our Christian Education Programs. As a collective group we will be creating a program guide for Sunday School Teachers to help assist them in teaching. The guide will include training opportunities, classroom management ideas, and also ideas for preparing for lessons. In addition, it will outline the rules for keeping Sunday School students in a safe and nurturing environment. One of the key points in the rules will address the safety of students after Sunday School. It has come to my attention that some teachers are letting students go out to coffee hour on their own. The original protocol that has been in place to maintain the safety of all children is for parent/guardians to pick up their child in the Sunday School classroom. It will be necessary for all teachers to follow this rule to ensure the safety of all students.

The Youth teachers have agreed on a new curriculum for the students in 5th grade and up. They will begin the new curriculum in the fall. We will continue using our current curriculum in the fall! VBS plans are going well. We will start to put together a volunteer/donation board for members to see all of the opportunities to be a part of VBS this year. Those who helped or attended last year have been mailed new registration and information for the current VBS. We are working with Concordia Supply who will only bill after our VBS has taken place which will allow our out of pocket costs to stay down before getting the income from VBS. We are working closely with Frenchtown Presbyterian Church and hope to have a very successful VBS.

We continue to look for members who wish to teach!